Establishing an aSSL encrypted connection with the server.
Secure 128-bit encrypted connection established. Time elapsed: ms. Ajax Secure Service Layer - Server-bound data is encrypted using 128-bit AES after an initial 512-bit RSA key exchange.<br /><br />Means: your password's safe from anyone trying to steal your data on its way to the server.<br /><br />Ajax: aSSL works on the ajax level, so your browser will not show that the connection is encrypted.
Warning! Unable to establish an aSSL encrypted connection.

Welcome, SIGN IN for more options, or SIGN UPPRIVACYPRIVACY LULU


Remember me Remember me - use this when you're *not* on a shared computer.

If you own a LULU Signature Collar, or you own a sub who wears one,
you are cordially invited to register yourself.

If you have forgotten your password, you are cordially invited
to re-register a new password.

Your SL name (e.g. Jane Resident)

DON'T use your SL password!

You can always change this later

Thank you, .

To confirm your registration (we need to be sure you are you!),

  1. Teleport to Lulu's Secret Warehouse.
  2. Look for a payphone where you land. Click it.
  3. When prompted, key in this number:


Enter email here. LULU doesn't share email, ever.LULU hates spam too - LULU will never share, rent, sell, disclose or trade your email address.

Sorry ,

To register, you either need to own the LULU Signature Collar, or you need to own a sub who owns one.

You're welcome to try again later.

Meanwhile, you're still able to use the Public Register.


Do you really wish to remove

from your sibling-in-bondage list?

Doing so will also remove you from list. All removals will be done immediately.


Who would you like to invite
to be your pet-mate?

close Invitation

would like to invite you to be a friend.

Accepting will place your respective names on each other's certificates.


As the owner of   ,
you can choose whether this Ownership Deed
is kept as a public record
or retained in private hands.

Public Public Record - This Ownership Deed is available to anyone who searches the Public Register.
Private Private Hands - This Ownership Deed is only available to all parties listed on the Deed itself, including any pet- or slave-mates.